Good Protein 2.0

At Good Protein, we remain committed to full transparency and continuous improvement within our product, ensuring you get the best balance of nutrition, taste, and texture with every serving.

Now that our new & improved recipe is now available for purchase, we’re excited to share with you in detail about why this newest version of our All-in-One Shakes is the best one yet!

1. Recipe changes

1.1 Sunflower seed oil

This was the MOST requested change by our community—so we listened!

Because this was a major cause of concern for most of our customers, we decided to replace it with MCT oil from coconut.

MCT oil is a source of clean energy and is easily absorbed and metabolized by the body. It’s also easy on digestion, making it a great option for people who struggle with metabolizing other healthy fats. Its versatility and immediate energy benefits make it an excellent addition to a balanced diet.

The result is a smoother shake, that’s now free of seed oils.

1.2 Shake colour (fruits & vegetables blend)

The blend of superfoods in the original recipe contained chlorella and spirulina—two superfoods that provided nutrients like B12 and iron—but that also added a green tint to our shakes, which wasn’t all that cute. Therefore, the second most-requested change by customers (like you!) was for our flavours to have a brighter appearance when blended, without the greenish colour. So, we went to work!

We made the switch to a different fruit and vegetable blend, without chlorella or spirulina. Removing these two ingredients immediately fixed the green tint, meaning our shakes now blend true to their flavours—Strawberries & Cream blends pink, Mixed Berries blends light purple, you get the gist!

We’re thrilled to have upgraded our blend of superfoods from 17 fruits and vegetables to 20, providing you with even more essential micronutrients. This new blend now contains spinach, broccoli, Shiitake mushrooms, carrots and more!

1.3 Vitamins & minerals 

Overall, our new & improved recipe provides a more balanced and complete nutritional profile, especially for daily needs like immunity, metabolism and hydration, thanks to the upgraded blend of fruits and vegetables mentioned above. Even though we had to remove Selenium (2% DV), Zinc (6% DV) and B12 (35% DV) as well as adjust levels of some vitamins and minerals like iron (now 17% DV instead of 50% DV), there are significant upgrades to it overall—like the addition of Vitamin D (50% DV) and Biotin (50% DV), which are critical nutrients that weren’t in the previous recipe at all.

You’ll also find an increase of already-present B-complex vitamins, which play a crucial role in maintaining overall health:

  • +42% DV of Thiamine (B1)
  • +37% DV of Riboflavin (B2)
  • +44% DV of Niacin (B3)
  • +36% DV of Vitamin B6
  • +14% Folate (B9) actual content increase (50% DV)
  • +45% DV of Pantothenic Acid (B5)

This new overall vitamin and mineral blend is significantly enhanced compared to our old one, providing better support for energy, metabolism and overall health.

2. Taste & texture

2.1 Taste

Taste is subjective, but we knew we could improve on balancing out some of our sweeter shakes, so that their flavour stayed consistent with each sip.

It took countless iterations, A LOT of trial and error, and many sleepless nights, but we believe we nailed it.

The result is an improved All-in-One Shake with a more consistent flavour profile. Not only does it taste creamier and smoother, but we've also balanced out the sweetness to ensure each sip is just as delicious as the last.

Additionally, to make the shake even creamier, we’ve added tapioca maltodextrin—a 100% natural ingredient derived from the root of the cassava plant, that is used as a processing aid. It makes up less than 0.1% of the recipe and helps maintain the stability and consistency of certain components. Rest assured, it’s a completely natural ingredient and poses no harm to the quality or health benefits of the product.

2.2 Texture

While our original recipe already had little-to-no gritty texture and aftertaste that are typical with plant-based protein shakes, we received lots of feedback from customers that it could be even better—so we made it happen.

To do so, we searched high and low for even higher quality versions of our main ingredients  to remove ANY possibility of gritty texture or bitter aftertaste. While you may not see these improvements directly on the ingredient list (they’re still listed as pea protein, Reb M and coconut milk, for example), we promise you’ll notice the change when you take your first sip. Better ingredients mean a better experience for you—and that’s something we’re incredibly proud of.

3. Price increase

Let’s be clear: this change isn’t about our bottom line—it’s about being able to continue delivering the best possible product.

Switching to even higher quality ingredients to adapt to your feedback, combined with increasing costs of raw materials (the cost of cocoa has surged 231% in the last calendar year, the cost of our probiotic blend rose 60% and our Reb M now costs 25% more, to name a few), packaging, labor and manufacturing, meant we needed to increase our prices for the first time in Good Protein history. While the improvements are not all visible to the naked eye (like our beautiful new bags!), rest assured you’ll be able to taste the difference.

Here’s a helpful way to visualize it:

  • Our small bag is now $8.63 per 100g, while our old small bag was $8.36 per 100g
  • Our large bag is now $7.04 per 100g, while our old large bag was $7.23 per 100g (even less than it was before!)

We held the line for as long as possible, resisting this change while always prioritizing the quality of our product over cutting corners for the past 5 years. As a small but fast-growing startup with a tiny but mighty team, we’ve had to adjust our prices to reflect the reality of rising costs and to maintain the high standards that you’ve come to expect. But even with this slight increase, we’re committed to staying as accessible as possible and are still competitively priced (plus, you can find discounts, flash sales and more ways to save on our website!). 

Our All-in-One Shake is so much more than just protein—it’s a complete solution that gives you way more bang for your buck than a typical protein shake could ever offer.

4. Portions per bag & serving size

Our new & improved recipe increases the serving size from 36g to 44g. This adjustment is entirely due to improvements in our recipe.

4.1 Serving size

Our original recipe contained protein sources that were concentrated at 90% protein—which had an impact on the taste and texture of our shakes. To improve the overall product experience, we’ve shifted to a higher-quality 80% protein concentrate, which delivers a smoother, even better-tasting shake. The remaining 20% of this protein source is made up of naturally occurring elements like moisture, fiber, and minerals (not fillers). To maintain the same 21g of protein per serving, we now use a slightly larger amount of this new protein source, which contributes to the increased serving size.

As explained above, we replaced the sunflower oil in our recipe with MCT oil derived from coconuts. MCT oil provides a superior mouthfeel, adding richness and smoothness to our shakes. However, because MCT oil is not a one-to-one replacement for sunflower oil, we had to use a higher quantity to achieve the same creamy texture, contributing further to the overall serving size.

Lastly, one of the biggest upgrades to our All-in-One Shake is our new fruits and vegetables blend, which now includes 20 different ingredients—compared to 17 in the original recipe. This upgrade boosts our product’s nutritional profile, providing you with a wider variety of vitamins and minerals in each shake, but also naturally increases the serving size to accommodate the extra ingredients.

4.2 Servings per bag

The reduction in servings per bag (from 12.5 to 10 in the small bag and from 25 to 20 in the large bag), is due to several improvements we've made in the recipe, which increased the serving size from 36g to 44g. As explained in detail earlier, these changes include switching to higher-quality protein sources, enhancing the mouthfeel by using MCT oil, and adding more fruits and vegetables for a cleaner, more nutrient-dense shake.

Additionally, our new recipe results in a fluffier, more airy protein powder. This fluffier texture naturally takes up more space, which means fewer servings per bag—though the overall weight remains comparable, and each serving delivers improved taste, texture, and nutrition.

All of these upgrades reflect our focus on quality, with no fillers—just carefully selected ingredients designed to provide a superior shake experience.

5. Heavy Metals

As some new articles relating to heavy metals in food have recently come out, we wanted to assure you that at Good Protein, we’re obsessed with providing products using only the best and highest quality ingredients to our customers. The health and safety of our customers is at the forefront of every decision we make–which is why we only work with suppliers who meet our rigorous standards. Each supplier routinely provides tests and certificates of analysis to ensure we keep our customers safe. Our finished products’ microbiology and allergens are also tested by an independent, accredited lab.

We believe it’s important to provide context and factual information when discussing something as important as the presence of heavy metals in food. 

In simple terms, traces of heavy metals occur naturally in anything that comes from the soil, like plants. As they grow, plants absorb the minerals found in the soil they’re in–some of which are heavy metals. Even though methods and practices have been developed to avoid this, it is impossible to eliminate their presence entirely. For example, ½ cup of cooked spinach will have 0.9 mcg of lead, and 1kg of fresh celery contains 0.235 mg of cadmium. Because our All-in-One Shakes are 100% natural and are made with plant-based food ingredients, they may contain traces of heavy metals, as it is unavoidable for any ingredient grown in soil.

That said, the trace amounts of heavy metals in our products are extremely controlled and regulated. Our ingredients and raw materials are routinely tested for heavy metal levels. They comply with Canadian government standards and are closely monitored to ensure they stay well below the limit. 

We know just how important clean, quality nutrition is to our customers. We’re proud to offer the absolute best shakes out there, working with each and every one of our suppliers and testing our finished products to ensure they meet our highest standards.

For any further questions or concerns, please reach out to and our customer service team will be happy to help.