• Shake de superaliments tout-en-un - Chocolat
  • Shake de superaliments tout-en-un - Chocolat
  • Shake de superaliments tout-en-un - Chocolat
  • Shake de superaliments tout-en-un - Chocolat
  • Shake de superaliments tout-en-un - Chocolat
    Shake de superaliments tout-en-un - Chocolat
    Protéines végétales
    Nutriments essentiels
  • Shake de superaliments tout-en-un - Chocolat
  • Shake de superaliments tout-en-un - Chocolat
  • Shake de superaliments tout-en-un - Chocolat
    8.5k+ achetés au cours du dernier mois

    Shake de superaliments tout-en-un - Chocolat

    No gritty texture and no unpleasant aftertaste
    100% natural plant-based ingredients
    Packed with a balanced intake of nutrients
    Rendering loop-subscriptions
    $0.00 each
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    How subscriptions work

    • 40% off your 1st order
    • 20% off all recurring orders
    • Skip or pause anytime
    • Earn rewards along the way
    Minimum de 2 commandes requises*
     Deliver every 45 days
    Minimum de 2 commandes requises*

    How subscriptions work

    • 40% off your 1st order
    • 20% off all recurring orders
    • Skip or pause anytime
    • Earn rewards along the way
    Minimum de 2 commandes requises*
     Deliver every 45 days
    Minimum de 2 commandes requises*

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    60-day Satisfaction Guarantee

    Tous ces nutriments, un seul shake.

    Ingrédients: Mélange de protéines (protéines de pois, graines de lin, protéines de fève), Fibre de tapioca soluble, Lait de coco*, Arôme naturel de chocolat, Cacao, Mélange de fruits et légumes biologiques (chou frisé*, épinards*, brocoli*, spiruline*, chlorelle*, jus d’açai*, fruit d’amla*, goji*, jus de grenade*, jus d’acérola*, mangoustan*, jus de fraise*, jus de canneberge*, baie de maqui*, jus de jabuticaba*), Huile de tournesol, Sel rose de l’Himalaya, Gomme d’acacia, Gomme de guar, Gomme de xanthane, Reb M (rébaudioside M*), Mélange d'enzymes digestives (protéase, lipase, lactase, cellulase, amylase), Culture bactérienne (Bacillus coagulans).*Ingrédients biologiques
    - Peut contenir : Arachides
    Ingrédients: Mélange de protéines (protéines de pois, graines de lin, protéines de fève), Fibre de tapioca soluble, Lait de coco*, Arôme naturel de chocolat, Cacao, Mélange de fruits et légumes biologiques (chou frisé*, épinards*, brocoli*, spiruline*, chlorelle*, jus d’açai*, fruit d’amla*, goji*, jus de grenade*, jus d’acérola*, mangoustan*, jus de fraise*, jus de canneberge*, baie de maqui*, jus de jabuticaba*), Huile de tournesol, Sel rose de l’Himalaya, Gomme d’acacia, Gomme de guar, Gomme de xanthane, Reb M (rébaudioside M*), Mélange d'enzymes digestives (protéase, lipase, lactase, cellulase, amylase), Culture bactérienne (Bacillus coagulans).*Ingrédients biologiques
    - Peut contenir : Arachides
    16,000+ Verified Reviews

    One shake to curb every craving and meet every need

    A delicious, nutrient dense shake that is designed to curb your
    sweet cravings and give your body everything it needs to thrive.

    Des vraies personnes qui ont vu une vraie différence.

    Good Protein changed Julie’s mind about protein powder.

    So yummy! I’ve always disliked protein powders because of the chalky taste, but now I'm a fan! Finally found something that tastes delicious!
    - Julie P.

    Linda found a new way to start her day and it keeps her full for hours.

    J’adore à quel point les saveurs sont délicieuses et ça m’empêche d’avoir faim pendant des HEURES. Ces shakes sont mon déjeuner préféré.
    - Linda G.

    Superfoods, Essential Nutrients and Plant-based Ingredients.

    Our shakes are made with nature's most nutritious superfoods.

    Why do people love our
 All-in-One Superfood Blend?

    Try Good Protein Risk-Free

    60-Day Satisfaction Guarantee

    Still not sure? Try Good Protein for a full 60 days to see if it's right for you. If you don't love it, our customer service team will take care of it

    Try it Today


    Are your products high quality?

    Our manufacturer holds SQF (Safe Quality Food) certification from GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative) (https://www.sqfi.com/our-program/what-is-sqf), which means that each ingredient used in our products is assessed for its level of risk to consumer health or food fraud. Analyses are then carried out on the various ingredients and on each batch of mixes, to offer you a safe, quality product.

    What is your 60-day Satisfaction Guarantee?

    If you’re trying us for the first time and aren’t totally thrilled, no stress! If your bag is at least half full and wish to return it within 60 days of your delivery date, we’ll give you a full refund minus a 15% return fee. Prefer to exchange? No problem! You can swap your original item(s) for a different flavour with a $5 shipping fee (fees waived with subscription), and you can do this up to 2 times a year.

    For second (or third, or fourth, or... you get the jist!) purchases, you can only exchange an open bag for a different flavour with $5 shipping fee (unless you're subscribed, and then it's free!). You can enjoy up to 2 swaps a year.

    For any order-related issues, like if you receive the wrong product or a damaged product, just let us know at info@goodprotein.ca, and we'll sort it out quickly.

    Just a heads-up: accessories like the Shaker Bottle are excluded from this policy. 

    Click here to view the complete terms & conditions of our 60-day Satisfaction Guarantee, or contact us at info@goodprotein.ca for more details!covering the return shipping. 

    Will I lose weight by consuming your products?

    Our blends weren’t specifically created for weight loss, but they can easily be integrated into a healthy diet and training regimen that’s been designed for weight loss. Using high quality, functional superfood blends that are rich in nutrients is a great way to help achieve your goals. Talk to a healthcare professional before beginning any weight loss program and seek out a certified professional to design one tailored to you and your needs.

    Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

    If you've benefited from an extra discount on your first subscription order, a minimum of two subscription orders are required before canceling.  You can change or skip your orders at any time, but if you cancel your subscription before the second shipment has been received, you’ll be charged the regular price.

    Is the All-in-One Superfood Shake a meal replacement?

    Our signature superfood blend is not officially recognized as a meal replacement by government agencies in Canada. That said, it’s the perfect snack replacement! If you want a more robust intake of calories, you can add it to a smoothie with other fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

    Have any questions?

    Chat with our customer support team.
    Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm (EST).

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